Thursday, December 23, 2010

Chicken Fried rice

For last night's dinner I made a chicken stir fry. It was from a recipe that was a typical bland back of the box recipe so I decided to add somethings to try to give it some flavor. The recipe includes the following ingredients pictured.

I used garlic powder, chili powder, orange juice, black pepper and soy sauce to marinate my chicken strips.

The other thing about this recipe is it included preparation as you needed to cook rice and then let it cool.
For the cooking part I sauteed onion in some vegetable oil and then added the chicken and carrots to the mix. I cooked all this, in the pot until it was all done. I only had carrots already chopped up so I used those instead of  finely slicing a few carrots. Next time I will be sure to use whole carrots I think it would make the dish look more stir fry like.

Once the chicken was cooked through I added 2 eggs, which I hardly could see so next time I would add another egg. After the eggs had cooked I added the rice and stirred it in the mixture till it was warm. After I removed the pot from the stove I added some Teriyaki sauce to the meal and stirred. The one thing I was proud of was experimenting with the marinade and liking how the chicken came out tasting flavorful, if I would of followed the box instructions, I would of not marinated the chicken at all.
The end result was flavorful but nothing like the fried rice you eat out, but maybe in time with playing with the recipe I can get it to that point. I guess the good thing is I am sure my chicken fried rice had less salt and calories than the traditional Chinese restaurant. 
This was an easy meal that provided plenty of leftovers for us.

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